Adsense is used by majority of expert bloggers for their website monetization because it is a cookie based contextual advertising system that shows targeted ads relevant to the content and reader.

Adsense is used by majority of expert bloggers for their website monetization because it is a cookie based contextual advertising system that shows targeted ads relevant to the content and reader. As bloggers are paid on per click basis, they try various ad placements on the blog to increase the revenue and get maximum clicks on the ad units.
Well, on some blogs, you might have seen Adsense ad units placed below the post title. Do you know why? It is because the area just below the post title gets the most exposure and is the best place to put AdSense ad units to increase Click Through Rate (CTR).
Even though ads below post title work like a charm but this doesn’t mean that it will work for you as well. If you want to find out the best AdSense ads placement for your blog, try experimenting by placing ads at various locations such as header, sidebar, footer, etc. You can try other blog monetization methods as well to effectively monetize your blog

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